30 Scenarios for The Functional Testing of Chatbot
Today it’s an era where technology is at it’s peak and not only at peak but in the main stream of usability. More to that there is real world practicing approach towards the emerging technologies.
Emerging technologies are of immense potentials. Blockchain, IoT, BOT, Microservices etc are there and above all is AI.
No matter how we are considering all the items, in a consortium? or as an independent application?, but every feature of it, is amazingly rich in providing the solutions for different horizontals and verticals across all the domains.
When we talk about the emerging technologies then three questions come in mind;
>What these technologies can do?
>Why to use these technologies?
>How to use it?
We can answer it in one line;
>We can do a lot by using these technologies
>You should utilize features with which we can improve the processes in different sectors with the maximum quality output in expected timeline
>Consider the domain or area requirement, utilize the features provided
Few days back my two three friends with QA profile, were asking me about these technologies in respect of testing and QA. I explained them subject. Then someone was curious about the Chatbot and its testing. When I started explaining him about the scenarios then I though why not to make it as a list? In testing there are always few common scenarios for general features like login page, uploads, downloads, register and links.
Similarly, there are few common identified scenarios for the Chatbot testing and I have listed out here. Being a tester one can refer it for manual as well as for test automation. The scenarios may vary as per domain, technology and bot idea.
1. Chatbot should get load with the webpage
2. It should pop up or show its presence by blink
3. A little knock or sound should happen on display
4. Verify it is following the language support if programmed
5. Verify its showing greeting if programmed as per the Time zone
6. It should show its name if programmed (It’s a good practice for any organization to give a good name to Chatbot to set a trend and brand purpose)
7. A polite question should ask by Chatbot for e.g. (“How may I assist you?” or more happening “Hey, I am here to help you” or “ABC Chatbot here!”)
8. As programmed it should ask for user’s name
9. As programmed it should ask for user’s email
10. As programmed it should ask for user’s question
11. Email field should follow the proper validation as valid format
12. It should work well with the way of considering male or female with salutation if it’s a part of application or Chatbot flow
13. On receiving name and its programmed then, it should put further communication with proper salutation
14. Chatbot should sharp enough to understand the words with the mistakes like (India or Inida, Mumbai or Mubhai)
15. If scenario mentioned in point 14 comes then it should ask for the confirmation for the right spelling
16. Chatbot should work well if user puts an image and Chatbot must check or verify the image
17. Same is with the attachments if programmed
18. It should not enter into the loop if required input is not matching or something failed
19. In exceptional/ weird or non chatbot handled condition , Chatbot must redirect users to the proper agent
20. Chatbot should forward the chat transcribe to applicable ID’s and save at indicated database
21. Chatbot should work well in understanding the reply and responses
22. Chatbot must understand numbers and able to differentiate between whole number and fraction
23. It should good at understanding the Currency if programmed in flow
24. Chatbot must work good in responding special characters
25. If programmed, then need to verify the contact number format
26. If programmed, then need to verify the date number format
27. If programmed, then need to verify the time number format
28. If any field Chatbot providing, then need to verify if text length scenario is handled properly
29. Need to verify Chatbot behaviour in network conditions
30. Chatbot should not crash if some text or image something pastes by user
you can use it as a cheat sheet for the chatbot testing.
Will be back with more about testing approaches for the different applications based on emerging technologies.
Thank You!!!